What I've been up to

Here's a brief history of my career so far, highlighting some key learnings, thoughts, and more in-depth case studies.

Sep 2018 – Present

Staff UX content designer

At Google, I work on UX design with a focus on content. I collaborate with other designers, reseachers, product managers, and engineers. I've led content design for apps and devices that help millions of people lead healthier, more active lives.
Jun 2016 – Sep 2018

Senior content designer

Citizens Advice
At Citizens Advice I led content strategy for a multidisciplinary product team. We designed tools to help people in the UK navigate complex, often challenging journeys, like claiming benefits, getting divorced, dealing with employers, or resolving disputes with landlords.
Jun 2015 – Jun 2016

Technical writer

Redgate Software
At Redgate I was in a small, fast-paced engineering and design team tasked with designing new ways to help large organizations manage large datasets. It might sound a little dry, but it was a blast and I learned so much.
In my spare time

Personal projects

Just for fun
In my spare time I love tinkering with technology and design to learn new skills. Here are a couple of things I've worked on recently.