Designing a dynamic weekly recap

While keeping active every day is an important way to build healthy habits, it's easier to keep up those habits if you can see progress over longer time periods.

To help Google Fit users stay on top of their progress over longer periods, we developed the weekly recap. Delivered every Monday at 9 AM, the recap shows users personalized insights into their activity over recent weeks.

The UX content I developed for the recap adapts to different users workout patterns, supporting different metrics for things like cycling, hiking, swimming, or rowing.

Through tight collaboration between content, engineering, and visual design, this feature helped engage users with their fitness over the long term.

Why this project is a highlight for me:

  • An opportunity to lead a complex, dynamic feature with content at its heart
  • Tight collaboration between content, visual design, and engineering
  • A great reception from users, who found the feature engaging and genuinely useful

This project is under NDA

Get in touch if you want to chat more about skills I developed working on this project.